Monuments & Memory

Unter diesem Titel stellten Dozenten und Studierende englischsprachige online-Präsentationen zusammen. Sie arbeiteten in einer transatlantischen Kooperation zwischen dem Flagler College St. Augustine & Tallahassee und der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg zusammen. Ihre Leitfragen lauteten: „How do communities and individuals remember? How and why do they forget? What modes of collective memory help us to engage productively with the past? Which practices, in contrast, tend to mythologize and oversimplify history?“

Die multimediale Präsentation ist in drei virtuellen Räumen organisiert: Media of Memory, Mobilities & Migration, Personal | Public & Local | National.

Media of Memory

„This room sets out to explore the affordances of specific media for collective memory in case studies that take us from Würzburg and Franconia across the Atlantic to Washington, D.C. and Kansas City, Missouri in addition to the online spaces that currently connect us all.“

Die drei Fallbeispiele kombinieren in lockerer Form das internationale digitale Holocaust-Gedenken mit Denkmälern zur Erinnerung an Kriegsgefallene in Würzburg und den USA sowie den DenkOrt Deportationen.

DenkOrt Deportationen 1941-1944: Current Forms of Remembering

„The starting point of our project was our interest in modern forms of remembrance. What do new types of remembrance look like? After the “DenkOrt Deportationen 1941-1944” was only opened last summer, the monument at Wuerzburg Central Station appeared to be an ideal way to address our question.

We are interested in the following questions: How did the idea for the project come about? Who was involved in the conception? What was important to the makers in the implementation? What’s new? How does the DenkOrt differ from previous Holocaust memorials?“ Interviews mit der Vorsitzenden des Vereins DenkOrt Deportationen, Benita Stolz, und der Leiterin des Johanna-Stahl-Zentrums, Dr. Rotraud Ries, geben Antwort auf diese Fragen.
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